Sunday, August 19, 2012

Being Pregnant

Being Pregnant

It feels like I have been pregnant forever.  I have a total of four children, even though only three are currently breathing on their own. I am caring for all four of them right now.  The fourth keeps me up all night with acid indigestion and heart burn.  He also controls a lot of what is happening to my body.  It turns out that three months after I gave birth to my third child I became pregnant with my fourth.  I am so excited because this time my baby is a boy.  I have been blessed with four wonderful girls and felt a little left out of parenting a son.

For me pregnancy is hard, I don't enjoy it the way others do.  Sickness, fatigue, anemia, swollen body parts and all are not my friends.  I am currently thirty-five weeks pregnant and starting the discomfort, and wanting this baby out of body and in my arms.  Most of my time is spent wondering what my son will look like and what his infant personality will be.  Will he be one of the infants that come out sleeping through the night?  I haven't had an infant that sleeps through the night.  Will he be a crier?  Will he be easy going?  Hopefully whatever  happens he will be handsome and happy.  For some reason I picture him as a "mommies boy".  This is purely for my happiness.  No one really likes mommies boys, they are not the ones we choose to date.  I try not to put too much pressure on my children with expectations but it's impossible for me not to wonder what he will contribute to my family.  

I have decided that I will share some of the products that I enjoyed through my pregnancy.  Most of them I swear by, but if something worked better for you please comment.  We need more women publicly sharing what made pregnancy joyous for them.  As a mother of four, I am still interested with what others enjoy during pregnancy.    

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